Open Source as Altenative: 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 추천(?) 사이트Freeware 2007. 2. 26. 17:41
상용 소프트웨어를 선택하면 그에 상응하는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어를 리스팅 해 주는 사이트.http://www.osalt.com/
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Find alternatives for Visio -> Dia, OpenOffice Draw or Kivio
Or for iTunes -> Amarok or Banshee
Check-out Microsoft Access, Photoshop or Norton Ghost on you own.
Recently added commercial software: Fraps, ACDSee and Final Cut Pro.
Our mission is to provide easy access to high quality open source alternatives to well-known commercial products. And remember that open source software is also a freeware alternative.
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